Comparative study on the energy efficiency of the calcination and of the hot mixture of phosphate: Application of Bouchane phosphate (Morocco)

[pdf-embedder url= » » title= »Article 7″]Comparative study on the energy efficiency of the calcination and of the hot mixture of phosphate: Application of Bouchane phosphate (Morocco)

One Reply to “Comparative study on the energy efficiency of the calcination and of the hot mixture of phosphate: Application of Bouchane phosphate (Morocco)”

  1. Experimental tests of a new heat treatment protocol by hot mixture the phosphate of Bouchane (Morocco) which aims at optimizing spending energy for calcination has already been presented in our previous work. These studies allow us to conclude that the procedure of calcinations followed by cooling by 33% of phosphate can have a significant impact on energy saving with increased chemical reactivity while preserving the environment. In this paper, we try to evaluate and assess the energy efficiency of our new protocol of hot mixture by drawing an energy balance sheet of calcination and of hot mixture in order to establish the feasibility of our heat treatment protocol. This approach should lead in principle to a reduction in energy costs up to 33% and an increase in productivity and chemical reactivity during the attack by sulfuric acid.

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